What is Reiki: The technical answer
Reiki is an ancient Japanese form of energy work. Though, I prefer to think of it as a spiritual practice.
When we think of energy work or energy healing it can give the message that we are fixing something. Reiki does not have the notion that there is anything to fix. It is simply the energy all around us brought through a conduit (the practitioner) to help balance the mind, body, and spirit.
Traditional Usui Reiki is simply guiding energy. When we begin to talk about intention and healing, that shifts us into energy “work”, not Reiki. Which is perfectly fine! I, myself, combine Reiki, Chakra Readings, and Spiritual Guidance in all my sessions. However, it is important to know the difference among these practices so you understand what you are signing up for in a session. You can always ask for a session of just Reiki. That type of session is super beneficial when you know you need balance but don't have the mental capacity to take on guidance.
Another great note about Reiki and energy is that it can be sent through distance and time. Have you ever thought about someone and then they call you? Or you run into them the next day? That is an example of energy moving through distance and time. You don't have to be conscious of it. It's working all around us at every moment.
Distance Reiki and in-person Reiki are very similar. The same loving energy is sent and received. For in-person sessions a lot of practitioners lay their hands gently on the client’s body where they feel energy will be best reciprocated. This is usually a very light touch. I've heard it called "healing hands" and "laying on hands". While I was instructed that way, I also learned through my teachers to trust my intuition and that any form of Reiki is Reiki when held in its highest alignment.
In my practice I transition from light touch to no touch. Most times I am called to hover above areas, leave my hands open for source, or move my hands around to allow for energy shifts. I always feel and know that the Reiki is being distributed in the best way possible for each individual client.